The traditional brunch with mimosas and bloody Marys may be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about Sunday dining, but Sundays also mean barbecue in South Louisiana. Many traditional restaurants in Acadiana offer barbecue on Sundays only, and those in Broussard are no exception.
You’ll find typical BBQ fare such as brisket, sausage, ribs, and chicken, but in Broussard, we also bring our own flavors with pork steaks and rice dressing added to the mix. Both Cajun and Creole are at home here, with Norbert’s Restaurant and Tim’s Kitchen having a more Creole flair. Norbert’s famous cornbread dressing and Tim’s homemade rolls are not to be missed. If you’re all about those sides, Sage’s Smokehouse BBQ offers the traditional plus eggplant dressing, smoked mac & cheese, and sweet potato casserole. For that Cajun taste, there are Fezzo’s Seafood Steak & Oyster Bar, Billeaud’s No. 3, and Chop’s Meat Market.
And that traditional brunch? Yep, we’ve got that too! Some of those previously mentioned also serve brunch standards, plus there are other restaurants who skip the BBQ and go straight for the classics. The Point Seafood and Steakhouse serves brunch on Sundays from 10am to 2pm, and they are known for their award-winning cocktails and creative menu. Trapp’s mixes brunch up a bit by serving it on the first Saturday of every month and usually features live music on their patio.
Barbecue or benedict? You decide!